Auto Club Speedway of Southern California

Previously known as the California Speedway, the Auto Club Speedway of Southern California has a slight variation on the classic oval race track design, the banks are much gentler than at other NASCAR locations. You might think that a track which is relatively low and not very challenging, might take a bit of a back seat on the NASCAR circuit. However, nothing could be further from the truth! The Auto Club Speedway is a great hit with NASCAR fans and drivers. It provides a superior auto racing experience, and is enjoyable for those comparatively new to NASCAR as well. What is so special about this 2-mile track?

A dedication to spectator delight marks the management of the Auto Club Speedway. Continuous upgrades and investments make sure that auto racing standards meet the taxing NASCAR safety requirements, while no thought is spared for the enjoyment of the paying public. The Auto Club Speedway offers a superior viewing experience, whether from the stands, or on large television screens. Spectators in Recreational Vehicles who frequent this NASCAR track, have been consulted when adjustments had to be made to the area which has been reserved for them earlier. Live bands and top grade catering add to the experience at this track, which is within easy reach of downtown Los Angeles.

The Auto Club Speedway auto racing product offering is comprehensive. Nextel and Busch series combine with truck and motorcycle racing here. The track has seen quality competition during its relatively short career, and new NASCAR enthusiasts flock in by the day. This is quite remarkable considering the myriad of other recreational attractions in the neighborhood.

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