Central Florida International Auto Show 2009

From the 26th to the 29th of November 2009, the Orange Country Convention Centre will host the 2009 Central Florida International Auto Show. Motoring enthusiast will have the opportunity to marvel at a wide range of vehicles, including futuristic cars, minivans and trucks. Special guests and fascinating exhibitions also lure the crowds, which are expected […]

From the 26th to the 29th of November 2009, the Orange Country Convention Centre will host the 2009 Central Florida International Auto Show. Motoring enthusiast will have the opportunity to marvel at a wide range of vehicles, including futuristic cars, minivans and trucks. Special guests and fascinating exhibitions also lure the crowds, which are expected to be approximately forty thousand this year.

For ticket prices, additional event information and times for the specific days, visit the event website at http://www.motortrendautoshows.com/orlando/generalinfo.jsp.

Date: 26 – 29 November 2009
Venue: Orange County Convention Centre
City: Orlando, Florida
Country: United States of America